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Re: [OM] Driven to Abstraction

Subject: Re: [OM] Driven to Abstraction
From: Mike Gordon via olympus <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2021 20:27:43 +0000 (UTC)
Cc: usher99@xxxxxxx
ZO'd Moosw writes:

<<<And sometimes with a less than perfect lens, or perhaps no lens at all. The 
one I posted in this thread was taken using a zone plate.

Interesting--which one do you have?  Renditions often seem similar to pin holes 
but much more light available. Actually diffractive optics can be quite sharp  
and are used in
some intraocular lens (IOL) design to  provide multiple (usually 3) focal 
lengths after cataract extraction.  Problem is only about a third of the light 
if have 3 FL's is available diminishing low light performance and halos are 
prominent at night.  Any retinal pathology would preclude their use as well.  
True accommodating IOL's have been developed (Juvene, Atia vision etc.) but are 
at least 4-5 years away given FDA requirements.  They will make any current IOL 
look hopelessly primitive though. 

Zoned In, Mike

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