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[OM] Out With the Old?

Subject: [OM] Out With the Old?
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2022 01:25:09 -0700
My new toy, OM-1(D), arrived, appropriately enough, on April Fools Day. However, the battery was @ 0%, so I had to charge it up before use which could only occur in-camera.

First shots occurred early in 4/2. The majority of shots at first were tests of 
noise vs E-M1 II and Sony A7R II.

First non-test subject. <http://galleries.moosemystic.net/MooseFoto/index.php?gallery=Olympus_List/Posts&image=_4010013rotoofz.jpg>

The continuing joy of auto focus bracketing. <http://galleries.moosemystic.net/MooseFoto/index.php?gallery=Olympus_List/Posts&image=2022-04-05%2017-01-14%20%28B%2CRadius8%2CSmoothing4%29cr.jpg>

The new tool of Hand Held High Res. <http://galleries.moosemystic.net/MooseFoto/index.php?gallery=Olympus_List/Posts&image=_4050041croofm.jpg>

HHHR at100% 

Spring Is Moose
What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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