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Re: [OM] Photos: Birds, Bees, Butterflies

Subject: Re: [OM] Photos: Birds, Bees, Butterflies
From: MICHAEL GORDON via olympus <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2022 20:36:47 -0400
Cc: MICHAEL GORDON <usher99@xxxxxxx>
Great series.  Enjoyed them.  
Last outing with NABA group at Appleton today but with the drought ( not much 
curly dock),
wind and chill not a Bronze  Copper to be seen.   Plenty of asters and some 
other flutterbys after it warmed up.  Might not have time to process for 
several weeks. 

I’m with His Mooseness on the noise and raw files.  Some metadata corrections 
are baked in the raw files
for most converters like distortion but not noise to my knowledge.

Let raw be raw, Mike

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