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Re: [OM] Which soft, How Soft? [was soft addiction]

Subject: Re: [OM] Which soft, How Soft? [was soft addiction]
From: Wayne Shumaker <om3ti@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 06 Dec 2022 09:01:38 -0700
At 11/19/2022 10:59 PM, Moose wrote:

>On 11/19/2022 7:47 AM, Wayne Shumaker wrote:
>>At 11/18/2022 02:04 AM, Velvet Gove wrote:
>>>On 11/13/2022 9:19 PM, Moose wrote:
>>>>On 11/11/2022 7:22 AM, Wayne Shumaker wrote:
>>>>>At 11/10/2022 03:14 PM, Moose wrote:
>>>>>>As I was making my earlier response, I noticed an empty pot sitting out 
>>>>>>on the grass had fallen over. It struck me as a nice still life subject. 
>>>>>>Armed with E-M1 II wearing 12-200 and A7C wearing LenBaby Velvet 85/1.8, 
>>>>>>I have a couple of favorites, but not yet a single winner. I've realized 
>>>>>>that my choice depends in part whether I'm thinking of a web post or of a 
>>>>>>framed print on a wall.
>>>>>>Potty Moose
>>>>>I like the image. I'm kinda curious what some of my recent acquisitions 
>>>>>would do. The lens baby softens the image but does not do what some 
>>>>>vintage lenses do with the bokeh.
>>>In fairness, the LB Velvet series are about overall effect, including glow 
>>>at wider apertures. I guess their Sweet or Twist lenses might get closer, or 
>>>even the Soft.
>>>I sort of intend to run a series with several 50-ish mm lenses. I moved the 
>>>pot to a spot that gets some sun this time of year. Today. fast moving 
>>>clouds were changing the light drastically. I did take one with aÃ?  vintage 
>>>lens, Canon 58/1.2 @ f1.2, 1961 optical design. Brightened up a bit from 
>>>straight out of 
>>>You might prefer f2.0 or f2.8, but those will have to await more propitious 
>>I have the canon 50mm 1.2 LTM version and has a similar look. Not sure if the 
>>lens formula is similar to the 58mm FD version. I do find it takes the right 
>>compositional situation to make it work. The busy bokeh can easily distract 
>>as much as add. Thanks for creating this example, it satisfies my curiosity.
>Still stumbling along with these lenses. A problem with the photos that 
>started this is that, while I like them as still life art, they are limited in 
>showing bokeh, with only the grass so close behind the pot.
>Here's a series with background varying widely in distance, from leaves  over 
>the subject, through leaves 6+ feet back and trees at infinity. 
>I'm still worrying this bone, so more may well come. I did a series with 
>different lenses, but the light messed with me. PS magic may solve that.
>Gnawing Moose

Thanks for this demo. The 58/1.2 may not be quite the same as my Canon 50mm/1.2 
LTM. I don't have any good examples showing various background distances. I'm 
wondering what speed your 1.2 short?

I came across a discussion on FM about how EFCS can affect bokeh at high 
shutter speeds, which often can happen when using fast lenses wide open.


"You are 100% right that the bokeh is busy in this shot. The reason is not the 
lens though. Those half-circles mean you're shooting using EFCS, which when 
combined with high shutter speed (due to f1.2) ultimately degrades background 
blur smoothness."

I have not tested this with my lenses but I do shoot with EFCS. Not sure I 
fully understand what is going on with EFCS?


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