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[OM] Nathan's PAD 2/9/2023: a rainy morning at the Mercado Central

Subject: [OM] Nathan's PAD 2/9/2023: a rainy morning at the Mercado Central
From: usher99--- via olympus <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2023 21:33:57 +0000 (UTC)
Cc: "usher99@xxxxxxx" <usher99@xxxxxxx>
Very nice Nathan and certainly on topic. I like the view from just inside the 
mercado--coming down in buckets! I recall you have a late sn Z. 50/1.4 but I am 
not sure which version of the 50/1.8---miJ?   Curiously the early silver nosed 
versions of many Zuikos seem to be favored for B&W photography possibly due to 
lower contrast. I am not sure if that applies to the 50/1.8 but am sure AG 
could comment.
Thunderstorm here but safely inside, Mike
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