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[OM] Nathan's PAD 23/11/2023: Eri on film

Subject: [OM] Nathan's PAD 23/11/2023: Eri on film
From: Nathan Wajsman <photo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2023 07:47:34 +0100
I have recently been testing various films with the Adox HR developer. I like 
that developer because of convenience: the dilutions are very high, like 1:30 
or 1:40 depending on the film, and you only prepare what you need that day. 
This eliminates the problem I have with powder developers like D76, which have 
to be mixed to produce 1 liter of stock solution which has only limited shelf 
life, so I end up wasting a lot of developer. With the Adox, I do not have this 
problem. It is a liquid developer in a small bottle (100 ml) and keeps very 

Last week the film I tested was Fuji Acros, shot in my Leica M2 and 50mm 
Summilux. I did a photo session with Eri, my favourite subject, who is a big 
aficionado of her fellow Greek Maria Callas, and she adopted a couple of poses 
frequently used by Callas.

Apparently this one is a classic Callas pose:

This is just Eri smiling:

The following day we had the last-Friday-of-November drinks, and I used the 
same camera on our new trainees. They love the pictures. Somehow, people really 
respond differently when they see these film photos, shot with a camera and 
lens that were produced well before they were born (my M2 is from 1966 and the 
Summilux I used from 1961).


Nathan Wajsman


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