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Re: [OM] IMG: Nathan's PAW 7: from Marolles to Agost

Subject: Re: [OM] IMG: Nathan's PAW 7: from Marolles to Agost
From: <list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2024 17:35:51 +0100
We have the same copper stones to remeber jewish people in the town where I 
live, Middelburg.


-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: olympus <olympus-bounces+list=fotowiliam.nl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Namens 
Nathan Wajsman
Verzonden: zondag 3 maart 2024 07:57
Aan: Leica Users Group <lug@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Olympus Camera Discussion 
Onderwerp: [OM] IMG: Nathan's PAW 7: from Marolles to Agost

The weekly blog for the third week of February begins in the Brussels 
neighbourhood called Marolles where I took a walk on Sunday morning and ends 
with a delightful dog-and-girl scene on the square of the town Agost where I 
cycled the following Saturday. In the meantime, there are some informal events 
at the office, a book fair in the centre of town, and some other odds and ends. 
It is all here:


And as always, comments and critique are welcome and appreciated.


Nathan Wajsman


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