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Re: Re: [OM] buying a cheap tripod?

Subject: Re: Re: [OM] buying a cheap tripod?
From: lamadoo@xxxxxxxx
Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2003 16:15:38 -0400
Agreed.  The only "cheap" tripod worth having is a small one that's made well.  
That means it's small.

If you buy one that's poorly made, you'll never get any use out of it & you 
can't get your money out of it either.  When you break down and get a "good" 
one, you will have bought it "twice", so to speak which is poor value.

I have a table-top tripod that's always in the bag.  It was about $25 but with 
a standard lens, it will sit steadlily on a table.  There's no way I'd 
recommend a $25 full-sized tripod.

Have you tried the Used area at keh.com or b&h?


Don't buy a Wal-Mart tripod!


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