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Re: [OM] If you could...

Subject: Re: [OM] If you could...
From: andrew fildes <afildes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2003 17:59:36 +1000

Somewhere around Lake Superior would be the cat's meow.  We've
talked about getting a cabin somewhere around the Porcupines for
awhile.  I absolutely love that region.  However, the problem is
that it's a full-day's drive off of I-80.

I can't share what's up, yet.  Everything is too nebulus at the
moment, but it and maybe a relocation to a foreign country in
the opposite hemisphere are possibilities.


You're more than welcome but if you think a day's drive off the bitumen (never mind a major highway) is a bit hard to take, you'd need to discount about two-thirds of the continent :-) The banjos wouldn't be too much of a problem though so long as you avoid Tasmania.....
(if you can see it from a road, it's not a wilderness, OK?)

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