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[OM] Re: Decent source for batteries

Subject: [OM] Re: Decent source for batteries
From: Steve Dropkin <steve@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 05 May 2007 17:14:48 -0500
chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> Unfortunately, I can't quote any sources but I have seen images
> on the web of numerous lithium-ion filres and not simply Sony
> batteries in Apple computers.  Sony got all the attention because
> they produced a large number of defective batteries during a
> short period of time for a highly visible client.  But
> lithium-ion fire and/or explosion is possible in any device.
> For a sobering read see the material safety data sheet for
> Energizer lithium ion batteries... especially page 2, section
> III.   <http://data.energizer.com/PDFs/lithiumion_psds.pdf>

Makes you wonder why there haven't been even more fires...

As I was checking the manufacturers involved in Sony's recall(s), I 
did see that both Sanyo and Panasonic were introducing safer Li-ion 
batteries. Didn't have time to read the pages then, but the 
information should lack all resistance to a Web search. :-) Also 
found out that Sony is the #2 manufacturer in the world of Li-ion 
cells (Sanyo is first). That didn't help them in these cases.


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