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[OM] Re: Seattle trip and questions about the FL-50 vs. FL-50R flashes -

Subject: [OM] Re: Seattle trip and questions about the FL-50 vs. FL-50R flashes - also Metz Mecablitz 58 AF-1
From: Mike <watershed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2008 20:39:08 -0700
> Don't waste time on Vancouver. Yet another North American City.
For me cities are to be avoided if at all possible. That said,  those 
who like what cities have to offer and can tolerate the rest tend to 
like Vancouver. If you fall into that category then schedule another 
trip and concentrate on Vancouver and the BC lower mainland. Given your 
current time constraint other than a quick taste it's not too practical 
this trip IMO.
> ..But the ferry ride through the San Juan islands is spectacular, and is 
> itself worth the trip....
And I'd be happy to show you around. Nesting eagles and fox kits 
guaranteed, whales a real possibility and of course a fine view of Jan's 
island across the channel. Local brew isn't too shabby either. Ferry 
Accommodations are pricey (but you have real money) and are filling 
fast. Circular ferry routes can be taken:  Anacortes > Victoria > 
Olympic Penninsula > Seattle, or: Anacortes > Victoria > Vancouver > Seattle


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