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Re: [OM] People do the craziest things & also some pretty wonderfulones

Subject: Re: [OM] People do the craziest things & also some pretty wonderfulones . . .
From: Tom Fenwick <super.wide@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2009 14:54:17 +0100
2009/6/18 John Hermanson

> Or girl takes camera without strap, holds it against her stomach and
> lets go.  "Oh, I forgot, no strap".   There's a case for everything.

The good thing about straps is that if you are wearing any kind of jacket
the camera can hang on your right shoulder only, under the jacket.  If it
slides off your shoulder it can't fall, it's invisible and protected by your
arm, but it's very close to your hand and can be swung up to your face as
fast as you can think.

Without a jacket I always end up using the strap to tie the camera to my
hand in a way that's equivalent to Jan's finger loop solution, but far less


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