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Re: [OM] [OT] I need new glasses - please - what is the best lens materi

Subject: Re: [OM] [OT] I need new glasses - please - what is the best lens material these days?
From: <bj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 06 May 2010 22:50:15 +1200
Hi all,

To add my 2-cents' worth, where I live, if you buy everything new, the
costing goes like this:

Optician test - $ NZ 60
Glass/plastic lenses - pair - outwork - $ nz 140
Anti-reflection coating - $nz40

Frames ? you name it; most start at about $300, and the current minimalist
fad of tiny lenses really has no frame; just the 'temples' or 'legs",
fastened to the lenses.

I recycled my frames, and they didn't argue. I've worn spectacles since I
was 5 years old and much appreciate the eye protection they give.

I think they rely on the markup on new frames to cover clerical services,
shop rent,and so on. No change from me I'm afraid !!  

Brian Swale
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