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Re: [OM] Dances with Snakes

Subject: Re: [OM] Dances with Snakes
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 2 Jul 2016 22:04:39 -0700
On 7/2/2016 7:54 AM, DZDub wrote:

I faced down this little garter snake in my back yard while working with
the E-620 and DZ 50/2.

Nice series!

I got in front of him and as he turned to get away,
I continued to move in front of him.  It must have been quite a sight, but
it got him winded and he had to stop and breathe, much sooner in the
process than you might think.

Aha, another useful technique to remember. Snakes are troublesome to photograph for me (and probably hard to shoot, too), the way they wave about.

Fearsome beastie, he raised up and did that
cobra thing once -- maw open and everything -- but I couldn't get him to do
it for the camera!

Years ago, I was walking for reasons of getting out, away from a bunch of stuff that was making me feel hemmed in. Out on a headland, no one around, sounds and sights of the sea, wind blowing the grass. Just what I needed. I intentionally didn't bring a camera - soooo.

On the trail, I encountered a snake I'd not seen before. It was quite aggressive, forming a figure eight right in the center of the trail ahead of me, tail back, head forward, which looked like a great way to be able to strike at almost full body length. It did not, however, have the head shape of all poisonous snakes hereabouts, so I wasn't in danger.

It had a darkish, blah colored body, with faint stripes - and a bright red head. Later research showed I had missed an opportunity to "shoot" the endangered San Fransisco Garter Snake. Most on line pix show a much more colorful body. Perhaps mine was one of the darker type, and dusty.

A skunk also threatened me on that walk, but from quite a distance.

Slithering Moose

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