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Re: [OM] IMG: A Walk Around the Yard

Subject: Re: [OM] IMG: A Walk Around the Yard
From: Jim Nichols <jhnichols@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 2021 14:20:31 -0600
You win the "fancy" title, Mike.  Beautiful subjects, lovingly captured.  Thanks for sharing.

On 3/7/21 2:06 PM, Mike Gordon via olympus wrote:
DM writes:
<<<I do like daffys! MikeG likes some of the fancy hybrids. They're fine, I 
enjoy them, but I still love the old standards best.

Appreciate the hanging curve ball opportunity to post some 'dil images.  Ours 
are still under snow and it was in the teens last night but will be 60 deg by 
mid week.  Our snow drops have poked up where they get some sun and the snow is 

I do like the traditonal 'dils in the garden (we have some) including Jim's 
very nice rendition but the fancy ones scream out to be macro solo  subjects, 
so I prefer them.  The deer don't like 'em either.





Fortissimo used to be rare and exotic a decade ago, but I see them all over now.

I believe it is in division 2 which may be the most popular.  They are nice.

Daffy Mike

Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

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