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Re: [OM] Laowa announces second chipped MFT lens

Subject: Re: [OM] Laowa announces second chipped MFT lens
From: Frank <wijsmuller@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2021 13:44:30 +0200
Op vr 11 jun. 2021 om 23:35 schreef Nathan Wajsman <photo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

> Thanks. So it is, as I suspected, one of the many Chinese companies
> producing cheap lenses.

No it isn't.

It is true that lenses can be made cheap in China (getting less cheap as
time goes by). In fact the Japanese brands made quite a profit with
producing their lenses there.

But they are not all lenses with cheap quality.

Laowa in particular has a very interesting lens range, with well corrected
optics in niches where there is not enough profit for the big guys (as the
mentioned MFT lens illustrates). Apart from full frame and smaller, they
even introduced lenses for the fujifilm GFX system!

Two lenses to illustrate this: a 17mm full frame shift lens
<https://www.venuslens.net/product/15mm-f-4-5-zero-d-shift/>, and the 17mm
for Fujifilm <https://www.venuslens.net/product/laowa-17mm-f-4-gfx-zero-d/>.

And don't forget to browse their website, they are introducing interesting
wide angles for aps as well.

Op vr 11 jun. 2021 om 23:35 schreef Nathan Wajsman <photo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

> Thanks. So it is, as I suspected, one of the many Chinese companies
> producing cheap lenses.
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