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[OM] IMG: Kraków

Subject: [OM] IMG: Kraków
From: Nathan Wajsman <photo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2023 09:49:13 +0200
Earlier this month I attended a conference hosted at Jagiellonian University in 
Kraków. It is Poland’s most visited city, with good reason. Its wealth of 
architecture and history is second to none, and the city is much more walkable 
than, say, Warsaw. Altogether, I spent 4 days there, from Sunday to Thursday, 
and while much of the time was taken up by the conference and side meetings, 
there was enough time to properly explore the city. I have been there several 
times, but it is always great to see the old city, the Jewish quarter, the 
modern art at the museum of contemporary art (right next to Oskar Schindler’s 
factory, today a big tourist attraction), and this time also Nowa Huta, a new 
suburb built around a huge steelworks in the 1950s, with the usual Stalinist 
architecture of that era. Today the steelworks is long gone, but the 
architecture is still there.

So, a large gallery (120 photos), reflecting the fact that there is a lot of 
stuff to see in Kraków.


As always, comments and critique are welcome and appreciated.


Nathan Wajsman


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