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[OM] Olympus OM (n)ERC's

Subject: [OM] Olympus OM (n)ERC's
From: Iwert Bernakiewicz <iwert.bcz@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2023 08:35:46 +0100
Hello everybody,

I seem to remember there existed an Olympus (n)Ever ready case for an
OM-3/4 with the grip 1 installed. I also remember it was made of such bad
quality leatherette that it disintegrated fast (I have the feeling I had
one once, in the hope of retiring it, but gave up on it...). Real
OM-content on the internet is dwindling. I was looking for an image of it,
but did not find any for proof of existence of this case:). Anybody has one?

Next to that, were there different cases for the OM-3/4, since they were a
bit higher? My tan case fits, but rather snugly. Maybe that would be the
1.4H case?

Any info would be welcome to ease my curiosity:).

All the best,

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