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[OM] The 'legend' of two 'white' Olympus OM-4's

Subject: [OM] The 'legend' of two 'white' Olympus OM-4's
From: Iwert Bernakiewicz <iwert.bcz@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2023 13:32:18 +0100
Hello everybody,

A lot of Olympus 'Webring' knowledge has been lost in the eternal digital
ether... I remember somewhere along following this list the last 24 years
or so two prototype OM-4 bodies in white were mentioned. It was a test of
how they would cope (better?) with heat... I think at the time there was
even an image of some obscure article mentioning this experiment.

It is trivial information of course, but a fine example of the amassed
knowledge here:). Anyone remembers where to look in the archives, hahaha?

A fine 'in search for the seemingly forgotten' Sunday afternoon (at this
side of the pond at least:).

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