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Re: [OM] IMG: Nathan's PAW 42: Polish election, paella and Barcelona

Subject: Re: [OM] IMG: Nathan's PAW 42: Polish election, paella and Barcelona
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2023 14:58:29 -0800
On 11/13/2023 1:20 PM, Nathan Wajsman wrote:
The third week of October was quite remarkable. It started with an historic 
election in my native Poland in which we voted here in Alicante; then my wife 
made her wonderful paella, and then I went to Barcelona to meet Lluis and the 
visiting Australian friends Geoff and his wife Bronwyn. A lot of wonderful 
people having a good time can be seen here:


As always, comments and critique are welcome and appreciated.

Based on your slightly delayed first three weeks PAWs, October has been a great 
month. Congrats.

Our first three weeks of Oct. were spent in England and Wales, and quite wonderful (with modest 
exceptions.  😉 )
"Lluis turned 80 the other day, but his energy is that of a much younger man."

80 is the new 60? Or do we just eschew generalizations? I'm still only 79, for four more months, and managed a pretty active vacation. 😛

I will admit the stairs got got me a bit by the end. Tall, narrow stairs and heavy luggage, uneven stone spiral staircases. Endless uneven stone stairs. Right knee started complaining; always worked OK, but let me know it wasn't happy. It's almost fully recovered by now.

My driving on the left chops are back, too.

Up and Down Moose

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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