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Re: [OM] sandisk SSD failures

Subject: Re: [OM] sandisk SSD failures
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2023 16:06:11 -0900
My CD/CF/XD whatever Sandisk things that go in the cameras have been rock
solid. However, my Sandisk 1TB external SSD has been problematic. My
internal Sandisk 1TB and 2TB SSDs have been fine (that I know of). Just the
external USB-C SSDs.

I have Samsung T5 and T7 externals and those have been glorious. I did run
into an issue with the T7 along the way where it was bogging down on one my
laptops, but I reformatted it and it's been solid ever since. The T5 has
been exceptional.

As they're being used for live music entertainment, reliability is
something of an importance to me right now.

AK (and the beat goes on) Schnozz

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