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[OM] IMG: more Harleys

Subject: [OM] IMG: more Harleys
From: Nathan Wajsman <photo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2023 19:51:30 +0100
I included some photos from the Harley meet in El Campello (the suburb of 
Alicante where I live) in my weekly blog, but I have a lot more pictures, so I 
decided to make a dedicated gallery. As one expects in such situations, the 
photos are about bikes and people. And to pre-empt comments on the merits of 
Harleys vs. other brands, I realise that by any objective measure Japanese 
bikes are superior (and I rode a Suzuki in my motorcycling days) but there is a 
mystique and a community built around the Harley brand that nobody else has 
been able to reproduce. The people were invariably friendly, and I had a nice 
chat with a group of Belgian riders who were down here on holiday anyway and 
decided to participate in the meet.


As always, comments and critique are welcome and appreciated.


Nathan Wajsman


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