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Re: [OM] Santa Clause lenses

Subject: Re: [OM] Santa Clause lenses
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2023 01:32:23 -0800
On 12/17/2023 11:41 AM, usher99--- via olympus wrote:
I wonder if he would take off the The Meyer Optik Görlitz Trioplan 100 F2.8 off 
the list as the TTartisans is available?

Neither lens would be on his 2023 Christmas list, as he now has both. 😉

TTArtisan gave him a lens in return for an unbiased review. 

Then he bought a Meyer Optik Görlitz Trioplan and did a comparisonreview. 

  The new version I am sure is better made as it should be for 1K.

And yet - they made a big compromise for anything other than wide open use, using a straight edged six blade aperture. Especially after viewing Simon's comparison review, with its careful comparison of bubbles less than wide open, I certainly wouldn't want the new Trioplan over the TTArtisan.

I was interested in his choice of the Meyer Optic Gorlitz Primotar 135/3.5 as his number one Best Worst vintage lens. I'd be interested to see his quality comparison  to my Steinheil Munchen Culminar 135/4.5. Idle curiosity, as I imagine they would be very similar. The Primotar is a bit faster, so may have slightly better wide open bubbles, but with the TTArtisan in hand, doesn't matter.

Looks as though we both have as good a longish bubbler as exists. Congrats!

I'm Forever Moose

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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