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Re: [OM] OM-4T vs. OM-4Ti

Subject: Re: [OM] OM-4T vs. OM-4Ti
From: "John Hermanson" <omtech@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 14 May 2001 17:57:02 -0400
Ti  is the rest-of-the-world model (I think it just stands for titanium)
while the US had the T.  When T tops ran out, it may have been thought to be
uneconomical to make another run of them.  "Lets just sell the Ti
everywhere" they said joyously.

John  Hermanson
Camtech, Olympus Service since 1977.
21 South Lane,  Huntington NY 11743-4714
Phone/fax 631-424-2121
Free Olympus Manuals: 1-800-221-3000
----- Original Message -----
From: "Winsor Crosby" <wincros@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 12:48 PM
Subject: Re: [OM] OM-4T vs. OM-4Ti

| >Hi,
| >
| >>Perhaps the manual changed to include multi language support for
| >>the Ti model? "i" indicating international?
| >
| >Well, it has already been mentioned that basically the 4T and the
| >4Ti are the same cameras (although there are some "CE" (Central
| >European) versions that seem to lack a pot meter (IIRC)), but I was
| >actually wondering about the other part of your question. Often it
| >is assumed that the "i" in Ti stands for international, but somehow
| >that does not make a whole lot of sense to me, as Olympus is a
| >Japanese brand, and therefore the United States should also fall in
| >their "international market".
| >
| >Rather, I was thinking the Ti simply comes from the chemical symbol
| >for titanium, which is Ti. More so, nowadays, all 3Tis and 4Tis that
| >are sold in the USA are labeled with Ti and not with T, so this may
| >attests to my assumption...
| >
| >Does anyone know for sure?
| >
| >Cheers!
| >Olafo
| Whether it is true or not, I like it better. :-)
| --

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