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Re: [OM] Campfire list (ot)

Subject: Re: [OM] Campfire list (ot)
From: Gregg Iverson <giverson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2001 02:51:38 -0400
I was recently switched over to the list as my ISP started to block messages because of the sheer number received each day. In digest form I was receiving three to four each day vs as many as 250 if spam to the list is included.

There were several problems with the digest version.

1 I couldn't keep only the info I was interested in, but had to save the whole digest or cut and past into a different file 2 Messages are often sent in two formats, include html, have complete threads of messages included in the return message, so much scrolling is needed to get to new messages 3 by the time messages arrive, any time-sensitive messages are too late to react to. 4 filters cannot be used to sort or delete specific messages, and it is impossible to sort by thread, time, or author

So.... I'm back on the regular list. BTW, Eudora says I spend about one hour a day on this list. Ever figure out what one hour a day means in terms of part of a year taken from the total year? That's about 24 15 hr days each year! So to me, this list and each contributing member is important (maybe impotent too :-0 )


I've never really understood why anyone would choose to receive messages
from an active list in digest form.  I tried the digest format on a
small list that generates only 10 messages or so a day and even that
drove me nuts.  I like the option to delete or reply to individual
messages at will rather than separating them out of a big document.  I
have separate folders in my Inbox for each list that I participate in
and use email filters to direct each incoming mail into the appropriate
folder.  Makes it very easy to skim through all the messages and delete
any topics not of interest for any given list.

While the OM list is one big happy family, :-), a couple of other lists
I am on each have one or two individuals who are both prolific posters
and contentious time wasters.  Their emails are filtered directly to
trash, something that would not be possible if I were receiving the
digest format.

Mike Gardner

John Pendley wrote:
> > However, it is unfortunate for those of us on the Digest, that
> > we cannot filter out like others can who are on the "instant
> > response list."  >
> > Ken N.

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