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[OM] Stupid humour and 'new' cameras [was: Better than a Leica?]

Subject: [OM] Stupid humour and 'new' cameras [was: Better than a Leica?]
From: "Daniel Mitchell" <danmitchell@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2003 17:51:50 -0600
Jim Brokaw wrote:
> [about a completely different older camera]
> There are some people who buy these and fix them up just for fun...
> and the pictures can be surprisingly good sometimes.

 I just picked up a Petri 7S II from the market in Aotea Square for $20 --
old Japanese 35mm rangefinder (with a whopping great selenium meter around
the lens, thus no batteries, which is a nice bonus). It's actually, as Jim
says, surprisingly good..


 The metering seems to be spot-on, and the lens is, if not razor-sharp,
certainly good enough for my purposes.

 Heck, if nothing else, it got me out taking photos again, which is always a
good thing --and I finally got around to immortalising the following
unfortunate bit of architectural alignment:


 Yeah, it's a dumb joke, but every time I walk past that particular spot, it
just slays me..

 -- dan

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