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[OM] Re: OM3ti

Subject: [OM] Re: OM3ti
From: Earl Dunbar <edunbar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2005 19:49:57 -0400
Well unless it also includes the 20" dish and ExpressVu receiver so I 
can watch coaches' corner on the newly revived Hockey Night in Canada, I 
ain't interested.  I ain't living in not freakin' stone age!  Someone 
please hand me my 35 SP.


R. Jackson wrote:

>Oh, does that include Canon's eye-controlled autofocus? Cause you  
>know how important it is that my Oly and I are looking at the same  
>things. Do you think it would be too bulky to include a kerosine- 
>powered generator grip? And GPS. Can't travel without GPS. And  

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