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[OM] Olympus Odyssey camera #2 (OM-1n)

Subject: [OM] Olympus Odyssey camera #2 (OM-1n)
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 18:13:52 -0500
Has arrived safely at Chuck Norcutt's house on 2002/01/23.

Unfortunately I am unable to record this fact in the tracking log at
<http://www.olympus-odyssey.com/tracking.php> since the pull downs do 
not believe that January (and some other months familiar to me outside 
of Oz) are valid.

Chuck Norcutt

List usage info:     http://www.zuikoholic.com
List nannies:        olympusadmin@xxxxxxxxxx

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