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[OM] Re: The 10MP KM

Subject: [OM] Re: The 10MP KM
From: AG Schnozz <agschnozz@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2006 15:21:16 -0700 (PDT)
> May be, but ergonomics are very sony: two weels for settings,
> one on each side of the body?

Depends on how much "Minolta" they carried over in the body
design.  Looks like a KM-5D. There is absolutely nothing wrong
with the ergonomics of the KM-7D.  Even my A1 runs circles
around the E-1 in ergonomics in many, many ways.  I haven't
given that beastie away for a good reason.

Back when I bought the E-1, I was going to buy the KM-7D, but
the incredible purchase price of the E-1 kit swayed me away. The
decision was strictly an economic one. (as well as some
reliability concerns--the E-1 is a brick outhouse).

I'm sure Olympus will introduce an awesome E-1 replacement that
will allow me to continue on in blissful ignorance, but if they
don't and I MUST invest in a new system, I'd seriously consider
going Sony.

Now, if Sony could just do one wee bit of software engineering: 
I'd love to see the sensor-movement to be user-selectable in an
on-demand basis for perspective-control. That would be OTT.


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