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[OM] Re: [OT] advice on restoring roof beams

Subject: [OM] Re: [OT] advice on restoring roof beams
From: Andrew Fildes <afildes@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 22:53:17 +1000
If those nice terracotta tiles are going to be removed, then the  
whole of the wood surface will be accessible. A penetrating treatment  
would soak into the joints far enough. Also, as I remember, the  
borers and nibbling beetles prefer hardwoods like oak in churches.  
Unlike the bloody termites here - I've spent the last few days  
replacing hard and softwood floorboards chewed out by white ants.  
Nasty. Softwoods like fir tend to be resistant to borer attack in  
cool climates because of the high level of resins in them. Some, like  
the Tasmanian Huon Pine are resistant to just about anything except a  
chainsaw - fallen trunks have been carbon dated to over 20,000 years  
as I recall, without rot or fossilization.
Andrew Fildes

On 14/09/2007, at 10:26 PM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:

> But would a borer treatment be worthwhile if you can't treat all
> surfaces of the wood?  And if borers are a problem in that locale
> wouldn't they have been treated prior to installation? Just asking.  I
> haven't a clue to the correct answer to either question.

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