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[OM] 4/3 adapters

Subject: [OM] 4/3 adapters
From: Charles Sdunek <csdunek@xxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 2010 20:08:15 -0400
I was wondering if any of you could recommend an aftermarket 4/3 adapter 
to use on my E-520.  I'd buy a real Olympus one, but money is tight, and 
I'd really like to try some of my old glass on my new camera.  I've seen 
quite a few on the auction site and other places on the internet that 
might work, but I don't want a complete piece of trash, and even more, I 
don't want to take a chance on damaging the mount on either camera body 
or lens.

Thanks for any advice you can give.

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