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[OM] possibly a fang - OM bellows for 95

Subject: [OM] possibly a fang - OM bellows for 95
From: Fernando Gonzalez Gentile <fgnzalez@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 05 May 2011 00:40:27 -0300
I have the chance to buy an OM bellows for u$d 95, at the local *bay 
which is named MercadoLibre.
Such an item is very very rare to find in my country,
Problem is that seller seems to have not the double cable release.
I suppose that a double cable release is absolutely necessary for it to 
work as it should, am I right?
Besides, I prefer an original Oly item - which I don't remember to have 
seen for sale for a long time, if ever.

You can see it it here, and hope you don't have to sign up to enter 




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