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Re: [OM] IMGs: Friesland

Subject: Re: [OM] IMGs: Friesland
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 14:42:29 -0700
On 6/16/2013 5:39 AM, Frank Wijsmuller wrote:
> Some pictures of a nice walk around one of the many lakes in Friesland, one
> of the northern provinces of the Netherlands.
> The population is thin, the country is green and flat, and the wind strong.
> Oh, and they have their own language, you guessed it, 'Fries'.
> The first two pictures are made with a Pen F zuiko 25mm 2.8, quite a sharp
> lens actually.
> <http://zone-10.com/tope2/main.php?g2_itemId=6056>

Ah, one of those places - which are gorgeous to the eye and merely pretty in 
photos.You've done well with it.

There are a number of similar types of places around here, and they drive me 
crazy - photographically.

We are off tomorrow to another, very different, place with that characteristic. 
Where Friesland is low and flat, with 
few trees of modest height, we will be visiting tall mountains with huge trees.

The Giant Sequoias of California's Sierra Nevada mountains don't grow quite as 
tall as the coastal redwoods, but are 
much more massive.

Redwoods often grow in groves. The sequoias grow in mixed forest with other 
conifer species that by themselves would be 
exceptionally tall in most parts of the world. From above, the larger, taller 
crowns of mature sequoias rise above the 
rest of the forest. Down on the ground, they are amazingly more massive than 
the others.

No way I can see to give a photographic sense of being there. I keep trying ... 

Travelin' Moose

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