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Re: [OM] Tent camping practice

Subject: Re: [OM] Tent camping practice
From: bj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 08:00:42 +1300

Ken wrote: 

re: http://zone-10.com/tope2/main.php?g2_itemId=12061

You guys are pussies.


And proud of it.


Because the set-up time and take-down / pack times are
significant, I suspect that if I am to do camping on the spot to capture
sunrises etc, if I can get away with it in face of the draconian
'freedom-camping' by-laws here, I may fold down the back seats of my RR,
put a tarpaulin over the open back door, and lay down padding and
sleeping bag in there. First, I'd need to find a tarp which isn't the
usual poly-whatsit blue that shouts 'look at me' to the whole wide

Yes, that tent would be a serious load to add to a back-pack.

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