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Re: [OM] Some images about the Art auction

Subject: Re: [OM] Some images about the Art auction
From: "philippe.amard" <philippe.amard@xxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2015 21:09:00 +0100

Most surprising.

Unless you're confusing the real 2CV with another car.
BTW What handles are you referring to?

It sure was light

But the wheels would also sure stick to the ground like glue unless you pressed it downwards hard and used the springs to make it bounce.

I've have had one, and still miss it.
Or is it my late teens I do ;-)


Le 25 nov. 15 à 16:06, Chris Trask a écrit :

My memory of the 2CV from living in France in the early 60's is still clear. I was amazed watching how it was parked in a tight space. You simply nosed it in, got out, then lifted the rear end using the two handles and pushed it over. Very practical.

One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye. Antoine de Saint Exupéry in Le Petit Prince.

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