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Re: [OM] Gravitationals waves--yes they do exist and so do Black holes

Subject: Re: [OM] Gravitationals waves--yes they do exist and so do Black holes
From: Richard Lovison <rlovison@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2016 08:51:34 -0500
Thanks Mike for pointing this out.

Another discovery a few years back that most of you are probably aware of that changed my way of thinking was the discovery made by Dr James Gates:


There's a good chance we are living in a computer generated world. The above link is not the best but if anyone is interested, a simple Google search will bring up much more.

On 2/11/2016 6:31 PM, Mike Gordon via olympus wrote:
Probably most have seen this, but Einstein's predictions with GRelativity from 
1916 have been proven correct.  This is undoubtedly as momentous as the 
discovery of the Higg's boson.

The LIGO detectors can detect perturbations as small as 1/10000 the width of a 
proton with the interferometers.  Fortunately two black holes decided to 
cooperate at a good time
and produced an unmistakable signature offset by .007sec just the distance at 
light speed between the two detectors.  The energy radiated was
equivalent to 3 solar masses and the signature is precisely as predicted by 
Einstein.   Einstein a bit later (1918) derived the quadrupole formula for 
gravitational radiation by solving the
linearized field equations.   Perhaps someone can use this to help unite 
gravity with the other forces.



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