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Re: [OM] Extension Tubes

Subject: Re: [OM] Extension Tubes
From: Chris Trask <christrask@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 12 May 2016 14:22:10 -0700 (GMT-07:00)
     Did a quick test with the OM extension tubes.  With the 7mm one, the 
maximum focal distance is 32 inches, which makes it roughly equivalent to a 
+1.13 diopter close-up lens.  For the 14mm the distance was 17 inches, making 
it roughly equivalent to a +2.31 diopter close-up.

     Given this, an expansion tube that would be equivalent to a +0.5 diopter 
close-up would need to have a length of about 3mm, which simply is NOT going to 

>     I just received my two OM extension tubes in the mail, and tomorrow 
>I should be able to post some results.  Looking though all of the books 
>that I have on nature and close-up photography I was not able to find 
>any mention of how to calculate the maximum focal distance for a given 
>extension, but I did find an equation to adjust the f-stop for a given 
>extension.  For 5mm you decrease by 1/3 and for 10mm you decrease by 
>2/3.  I was already familiar with the shutter speed adjustments between 
>close-up lenses and extensions, so this was no great revelation.


When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro 
     - Hunter S. Thompson
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