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Re: [OM] Ladies Love Liatris

Subject: Re: [OM] Ladies Love Liatris
From: Mike Gordon via olympus <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2017 22:44:41 -0400
Cc: usher99@xxxxxxx
Thanks, Jim.  Hazy indirect light and IMO the colors don't pop in those 
conditions. In my hands  such images  don't respond optimally to PP, so very 
much like fill flash. The T32 was used with a 3 stop ND filter which just 
provides enough time for the quench signal to allow for proper exposure at 
macro distances.  
I could have turned it down a  stop.  Flash auto mode for macro is a bit tough 
as results can be variable depending on the background and the AOV of the auto 
I usually take a trial shot and adjust but don't always have the luxury.  I 
prefer perfect off axis natural warm light, but can't always order it up at the 
right time. 


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