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Re: [OM] Successor to aging E-M5?

Subject: Re: [OM] Successor to aging E-M5?
From: Paul Braun <pbraun42@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2024 21:53:40 -0600
When my E-M5 mk1 died near the end of our trip to Rome, I also was faced with what to do. Flat-fee repair would have been around $300 if it was fixable. I ended up getting an E-M5 mkIII instead. However, there are some annoying things. Apparently, the mkII was awesomer, to the point where Marketing decided it was too close to the E-M1 MkII and they told Design to delete some functionality and options in the MkIII.

You could use the MkII with Capture and with the Webcam Beta software. Those functions are no longer supported in the MkIII. They are, of course, still functional in all versions of the E-M1.

You can also no longer get the battery grip that you could get for the MkI. I know - I tried. I was informed that they no longer offered as an option for the E-M5. If you wanted a battery grip, you had to pony up for the E-M1 mkIII.

However, it's still quite a nice camera.  I recently picked up an E-M1 mkI with low mileage to use as my main webcam and also as a second body, and now I'm diving into the rabbit hole of features trying to figure out what it can do and also the deeper features of the E-M5 mkIII.

On 1/12/24 9:10 PM, Peter Klein wrote:
I'm a little late for the "camera replacement time" thread of c. Dec. 30, so I'm starting my own.

I'm still using the original OM-D E-M5.  I shoot it with fast Oly or Panasonic primes: 14/1.8, 20/1.7, 25/1.4 and 45/1.8. Plus a couple of film OM macro and telephoto lenses, and a 90/2 rangefinder lens. I don't photograph birds in flight. Despite a bit of shutter lag, it serves me well. But it is getting old.

I'm looking for some general advice on what to replace the E-M5 with when the time comes. Used gear in good shape would be fine. Are there any particular models I should concentrate on? Is there a good summary of the major differences online?  I'm trying to narrow things down a bit before diving into detailed reviews and user comments, which can be a rabbit hole.

My other camera is German rangefinder Brand L, which i use for people shots where the exact instant is paramount. The E-M5 started out as my travel camera, and something I could carry when I had "frozen shoulders" some years ago. But honestly, its convenience means it gets used for a lot of things.


Paul Braun WD9GCO
Amateur Radio Newsline Anchor
Certified Music Junkie

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