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Re: [OM] BagTalk, 2024

Subject: Re: [OM] BagTalk, 2024
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2024 16:15:04 -0800
On 1/27/2024 9:41 AM, Paul Braun wrote:
Well, now that I've added an E-M1 mk1 to my setup to keep my E-M5mkiii company and also serve as fancier webcam, I'm looking for a bag that can hold 2 bodies and a few lenses.

I have a Lowepro messenger bag for the single body and some lenses. But when I want to bring the full kit, I'm stuck. My previous DLSR bag is designed to hold my E-1 and a couple lenses, but not two bodies.

I looked at Lowepro's site, an the larger shoulder bags seem to be aimed at a 
single DSLR and bunch of lenses.

For full, two body kit, I'm on my second Tenba. I liked the first a lot, but the advent of 100-400 mm lenses made it too short. The inner divider/padders come out. My old bag is now my much liked under seat bag for airline travel. The top zipper for access without flipping the flap is fab.

I like the new version even better. Mine is a Tenba Messenger DNA 13. <https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1167379-REG/tenba_638_377_dna_13_messenger_bag.html> I see that they have a range of sizes of the same basic bag. <https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/search?Ntt=tenba%20messenger%20bags&N=0&InitialSearch=yes&sts=ps>

Mine holds at the moment two OM-1 bodies, one with 12-200 mounted, the other 100-400. A filter bag, teleconverter, GPS, spare batteries, cards, wipes, and so, on all fit easily with the cameras. All too big and heavy, but that's the otherwise wonderful 100-400 lens's fault. There's room for another, modest size lens, sometimes a Panny 7-14.

Design, including little details, materials and workmanship, are all first rate. I'm not hard on bags, but this one has been around a bit, Bhutanx2, Irelandx2, New England several times, England and Wales, and it's like new. The bag itself is fine for sprinkles, etc. Only needed the rain cover once, in Zion NP, when rain got serious and long, and it worked perfectly.

I don't like sling bags - tried one that His Mooseness loves, and it sits over 
in the corner. Just not my thing, I guess.

Mine's sitting on a shelf. I can't find any way to fit the kit I want in it. I loved it in NYC, subways and all. I was all set with a kit for it for NYC again when COVID killed that trip. Hmmm, just had a thought about how it might be of use again . . . we shall see.

We're lucky here to have a full size/service photo shop nearby. Bag and tripod shopping really benefits from in person access to the thingies.

Bag in Hand Moose

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