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Re: [OM] Common Courtesy - A Rant!

Subject: Re: [OM] Common Courtesy - A Rant!
From: Chris Barker <imagopus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 7 Sep 2002 10:28:54 +0100
Walt, sorry to hear of dealings and lack of communication.  I hope
that both purchases turn out to be gems...

I suppose we could blame the youth of today, of the 70s or lack of
education.  But I suspect that it is merely that the Internet has
made it much easier for us to contact each other and to transact
business.  Therefore, those with whom you might have done business in
days gone by are mixed with the less desirable types (impolite or
lacking in courtesy), without your knowledge before you transact
business.  So, those types have always been there, but you have had
no occasion to communicate with them and to discover how they lack
the common courtesy.

There were a fair amount of generalisations there... sorry!  But we
could (probably) all do with reminding how important is timely,
polite and accurate communication.

On a *similar* note:  when I was a staff officer working in the
Ministry of Defence, I regarded my job as tedious and stressful.
Therefore I used to visit the pub at lunch time every so often to
relax before the afternoon's rigorous exertions (the cerebral type).
I discovered quite early on that it did not do to write a letter or
staff a paper in the afternoon and let it out of my grasp;  it was
important to check through it in the morning to ensure that I had not
had more than a reasonable amount of beer the previous lunchtime,
thus affecting my reasoning or language :>).  Never post a letter or
email without reading it through carefully and dispassionately first.


At 14:02 -0400 6/9/02, Walt Wayman wrote:
I thought for a while that I was a Zuikoholic.  I've come to realize that
I'm really not.  Honest!  Counting the Zeiss, Schneider and Rodenstock
lenses for my medium format gear, plus the three Tamrons, one Carl Zeiss
Jena and one Phoenix for my OM gear, "other" lenses outnumber my Zuikos 21
to 17.  Since that proves I'm actually not a Zuikoholic and don't have a
problem, I now consider myself free to paddle around in the Bay to catch
more Zuikos, and in the last week, I have snared two.

Now for the rant:


C M I Barker
Cambridgeshire, Great Britain.
+44 (0)7092 251126
... a nascent photo library.

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