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[OM] Score! was: Fang! possibly two

Subject: [OM] Score! was: Fang! possibly two
From: "M. Lloyd" <royer007@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 16:46:14 -0700 (PDT)
Well I got a reply back from the consigner and he'd
give me the lens for $300 (325 with tax) so I got it.
I took it back to my place and took out my handy
Scotch-Brite lens cleaning cloth (not the original
Scotch-Brite just in case your pulse went up there)
and some cleaning fluid thinking, "Hey the front
element is wrecked anyway I can't hurt anything." I
went to work scrubbing. I think there was some grease
or tape adhesive or something on the lens, but after
resorting to drastic measure and basically soaking the
cloth and letting it sit on the lens for awhile over
75-850f the stuff came off! 

The front element is not what I'd call pristine. There
is some damage to the coating but not the massively
massive damage that it first appeared to be. Overall
I'd say it's been a good two day despite the 90+
degree heat it's been W/O air conditioning up here in
Rochester, NY. First the B-300 and now a diamond in
the rough 18/3.5 that is very useable just not mint.
So how do you think I did?

Mark Lloyd

Yahoo! - We Remember
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