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[OM] Re: Oh, Digital, Wherefore Art Thou?

Subject: [OM] Re: Oh, Digital, Wherefore Art Thou?
From: AG Schnozz <agschnozz@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 06:39:15 -0700 (PDT)
Ok, I'm not a total curmudgon when it comes to digital (partial
maybe).  But there is a character to the zillion-year=old B&W
neg that makes me want to see it enlarged and printed on a 16x20
fiber-print.  I can make purty pictures with digital, but the
works of art still are coming from my darkroom.

Time, money and another generation (possibly MF digital) will
change that for me, though.

Now for the ultimate test, let's see ANY digital do a 3 hour


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