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[OM] Re: [OT] Trans-shipping personal goods including cameras

Subject: [OM] Re: [OT] Trans-shipping personal goods including cameras
From: "Christos Stavrou" <christos.stavrou@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2006 18:45:20 +0100
Well, if  that's true, and there's no any alternative option in
posting things internotionally, then unfortunately it's not very good

Things have become more and more annoying, and even worst: less
liberal and democratic... I am pissed off too..

And I'm afraid this has very little to do with terrorists.. US and UK
Governments used that as an excuse to enforce a more authoritarian
policy and social control which wanted anyway, but had no
justification so far.. This policy and consequences was their policy.
And of course, regarding their recent responses and attacks too, they
could have chosen no polarisation but containment of the threat, but
no!.. it fitted perfectly.. with one stone two birds! The irony is
that most people I think only now realise the real cost in our rights
and normal life by politically allowing what few years back seemed so
''easy'' to support and so ''far away'' to care...


On 8/15/06, Piers Hemy <piers@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Temptingly simple, but a good idea with some drawbacks:
> The "gift" exemption from duty applies up to a value of about USD60.
> If (OK, it's a big one, but still) Customs decide to take a look, and
> discover that the gift is of higher value, the importer (the recipient) is
> liable for any misdeclaration.
> And if the package goes AWOL or gets damaged in transit, how do you rate
> your chances of claiming on the insurance for a value greater than USD60??
> --
> Piers

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