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[OM] WTT: Zuiko lenses for Nikon 105 /2.5 (~other Nikon equipment???)

Subject: [OM] WTT: Zuiko lenses for Nikon 105 /2.5 (~other Nikon equipment???)
From: james olson <james_olson@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2008 10:09:40 -0800

I have a few remaining OM lenses that I would like to trade towards a Nikon 105 
/2.5 if anyone has an extra laying around.  I have a 35/2.8, 50/1.8 MIJ, 
100/2.8, and I also have a bunch of genuine Olympus filters, lens and body 
caps, etc.I found a Nikon FM at a garage sale for $5, and I'm enjoying working 
with a new system..... Haven't abandoned OM, just trying new lenses.Also, any 
Nikon hoods, 52mm filters, etc., could be attractive.Thanks, 

James Olson
5295 Birch Street
Astoria, OR. 97103
phone: (503) 325 - 4070

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