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Re: [OM] Separated Zuiko 250/2, was: Inside the Zuiko 300mm F4.5

Subject: Re: [OM] Separated Zuiko 250/2, was: Inside the Zuiko 300mm F4.5
From: Dawid Loubser <dawidl@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 2009 08:53:22 +0200
It appears as if Olympus went to some lengths to weather-seal the  

For example, although there is no rubber gasket on the lens mount itself
(and it's questionable whether such is *really* required, since the lens
generally fits extremely snugly on the mount, and the widely-acclaimed
OM-4Ti crash test done by the magazine in 1989 proves this), the rear
drop-in filter has no less than two rubber gaskets.

I suspect the focus ring fits so extremely snugly as part of the
weather sealing. I know Canon, for example, started the whole
weather-sealing-as-marketing thing by publishing diagrams of all
the rubber gaskets present in the lenses / bodies etc, but does anybody
know the true extent of this on the white OM Zuiko lenses?

i.e. since the OM-3Ti/4Ti are so well sealed, does it mean that, when  
used with
certain lenses like the 250/2.0, 350/2.8 etc the combination is quite
well sealed against e.g. rain?

On 12 Nov 2009, at 4:05 PM, John Hermanson wrote:

> I have seen sticky focus ring on this type of lens several times.  The
> tolerances on the fit between the ring and inner barrel are very  
> tight.
>  Just a little dirt or spilled drink between the edges of the front or
> back edge of the focus ring can eventually gum it up.  No impact
> required. I don't think anyone had ever opened this one.
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