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[OM] Large sensor schmutz--Please stat page Dr. Sensor Cleaner

Subject: [OM] Large sensor schmutz--Please stat page Dr. Sensor Cleaner
From: usher99@xxxxxxx
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2010 23:15:43 -0400
What is the best way to clean this?  I think Moose finally  had to 
clean his 5D sensor and just used a blower IIRC.  I can't find his post.

Is this one better than most?

I recall Chuck's use of the Swiffer after vacuuming the end to remove 
loose particles.  He posted a step by step a few years ago, but 
couldn't find it.
I believe he also mentioned Eclipse.   I fear this big whatever may be 
too large to clone out of some images.
The light was changing rapidly, I had just dropped some film off at the 
the lab and grabbed the digicam and new Viv S1 90-180 macro.  It is 
much easier to nail the focus hand held  on OM.
Any thoughts appreciated.

A. Worried Mike

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