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Re: [OM] Twilight Zone Moment (OT)

Subject: Re: [OM] Twilight Zone Moment (OT)
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 13:36:12 -0500
> That is very sad.

Years back, in my wild, single days, I was travelling with my
girlfriend to a place up in the UP called Grand Marias. We were about
10 miles away and off photographing an isolated waterfall when she got
very very quiet. Finally, she said "somebody just died". About an hour
later we made it into town and found out somebody had just drowned (at
the very moment she sensed it) when he got washed off the breakwater.

We live right near the hospital and the lifeflight helicopters come
roaring right over our house. Sunday afternoon one of the copters came
in extremely fast. Normally, they do a circle and descend routine, but
this time he came in like he was landing in a war zone. Not three
minutes later he flew right out again barely clearing our roofs. My
wife said "it's too late. I saw something." Sure enough, the person
had died.

There is much we don't understand. Spirituality and Religion are two
different things. You can explain away a lot of things, but yet, there
are things beyond our ability to comprehend.

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