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Re: [OM] Finally, some darkroom time (couple of OM B&W prints)

Subject: Re: [OM] Finally, some darkroom time (couple of OM B&W prints)
From: Dawid Loubser <dawidl@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2010 18:24:34 +0200
AG, I really appreciate your compliments, I think you have been
doing darkroom work since I was but a boy...

I've always wondered one thing about you, Ken. With being an OM-3Ti
user and all, why have you never treated yourself to the splendid  
of using one of the fast wide-angle Zuikos?

A 24/2 offers a significantly different experience to the 24/2.8, and
bargains are to be had. It is generally accepted that the faster lenses
are just that tad better, and not much bigger. But I find them amazingly
satisfying to use, especially in low light.

What gives?

On 20 Oct 2010, at 5:55 PM, Ken Norton wrote:

> Dawid,
> All are excellent!  Well done.
> BTW, Don't worry, I'm not using any Cano... hack hack hack ...lenses  
> any
> time soon. The OM-3Ti is calling.
> AG

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