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Re: [OM] (OM) OT Internet connection speed

Subject: Re: [OM] (OM) OT Internet connection speed
From: Paul Braun <cygnus@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2011 15:52:59 -0600
On 1/21/11 15:43 : , Bill Pearce wrote:
> But if your line has noise issues, then
> this is a regulated item and the phone company is required by law to fix it.
> Good luck making AT&T do that!
> Some phone companies will run automated line-test routines during the night
> that test your phone line. These tests (sometimes referred to as Fortel
> Tests), check loop-length, bridge-taps, capacitance, voltage, etc. There are
> thresholds which will trigger an automatic service call to repair the line.
> Guy makes test in the night, forwards results to AT&T exec. Exec looks at
> what it will cost to remedy, looks at what his year-end bonus will be, puts
> report in trash.
I know the feeling.  Recently, our local phone/dsl service, which used 
to be Verizon, was purchased by Frontier.

Shortly after, I lost voice service, then lost dsl service.  Several 
phone calls were made, several tests were run, only advice was "the 
problem is not on our end.  It's definitely in your house."

BS.  Nothing changed in my house.  This went on for 2 months.  I finally 
went outside to the DMZ box on the wall (we live in a condo, ours is the 
end unit, and I had installed a whole-house DSL splitter years ago, so I 
knew which circuit was mine) disconnected our circuit completely, and 
connected my lineman's test set to it.  Dead as could be.  So I called 
back - "Before you start to tell me it's in my wiring again, I 
completely disconnected my circuit, connected a line test set to it, and 
I don't even get clicks.  Now, let's talk about fixing it."

This time, miraculously, the line test showed a problem on their end.  
Duh.  They sent a repair guy out who discovered a broken ground.  He 
repaired it and magically we got voice and data back.  Only problem is 
that I had been getting 3Mbps down before the buyout, now I'm back down 
to 1.5.  That's my next call to tech support.


Paul Braun
Valparaiso, IN

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